Early Career

If you’re just beginning with that first serious job, there are steps you can take early on that can help set you and your family up for a stronger financial future.  

Start saving and investing early 

Money saved is power — the power to tackle future emergencies, send a child to college or retire comfortably. Your biggest job during this early stage is to get into a habit of setting money aside for the future. It doesn’t have to be a lot: $25 a month is a good start. The sooner you do, the more your money has the potential to grow over time.  

Get a grip on your spending and debt 

Everyone should enjoy the American Dream, but it’s critical you don’t let debt overwhelm you. Debt is expensive, and every dollar spent on interest is a lost savings opportunity. Of course, not all debt is bad. But debt is best used to help you acquire assets that have lasting value, such as a home or a car that helps you get to a job. 

Define your priorities 

In the early career stage, there are typically four investing goals you need to focus on.

Let’s Get Started
Once you’re ready, start here.
The sooner you begin investing, the more time you have to reach your goal.

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