Planning Calculators

Whether you’re planning for retirement, saving for a rainy day or weighing your next big purchase, we’ve got a tool for you. Each calculator is simple to use and provides personalized insights to guide your financial choices.

Before you use any of the planning calculators, it is important to understand some aspects about them in order to maximize your benefits from using them. As interactive planning tools, it is very important that you take care in inputting required information in order to ensure that the results generated by the model are accurate and address your individual situation.

It also is important that you carefully review the specific disclosures about each planning tool, including the capabilities and limitations of the tool, as well as various assumptions made in connection with the tool. In addition, you should understand that none of the planning tools are intended to provide advice or a recommendation regarding any specific investment product, strategy, or services, including those offered by Homestead Advisers and Homestead Financial, or to suggest or guarantee that a specific return will be realized from any product, strategy or service.

The planning tools do not provide legal, tax insurance or accounting advice. You should consult with your financial and other advisers before proceeding with any investment product or service.

Planning for Retirement

Retirement Fund

Estimate how much you need to save for retirement and track your progress.

Life Expectancy

Gauge how long your retirement savings may need to last.

Health Care

Anticipate and plan for potential medical expenses in retirement.

Social Security

Project your expected Social Security benefits based on your work history.

Supporting Your Financial Goals

Emergency Fund

Determine how much you should consider setting aside for unexpected expenses.

Upcoming Goals

Plan and save for short- to medium-term financial targets.

Next Best Dollar

Prioritize where to allocate your next available dollar among various financial goals.

Spend vs. Borrow

Evaluate whether it’s better to use savings or take on debt for a purchase.